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Ex-ante, derived from the Latin for "before the event," is a term that refers to future events, such as future returns or prospects of a company. Ex-ante analysis helps to give an idea of future movements in price or the future impact of a newly implemented policy.

An example of ex-ante analysis is when an investment company values a stock ex ante and then compares the predicted results to the actual movement of the stock's price.

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What is 'Ex-Ante' <span>Ex-ante, derived from the Latin for "before the event," is a term that refers to future events, such as future returns or prospects of a company. Ex-ante analysis helps to give an idea of future movements in price or the future impact of a newly implemented policy. An example of ex-ante analysis is when an investment company values a stock ex ante and then compares the predicted results to the actual movement of the stock's price. BREAKING DOWN 'Ex-Ante' "Ex-ante" refers to any prediction that is made prior to either before all of the variables are known, or generally


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