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If this \Vas so, one n1ay conclude that the naqii)i~ poetry at this stage \Vas presented according to the follo\ving procedure. The poet and his audience used to gather in a certain plttcc. A.Jthough ahnost nothing can be gauged about such a place fro1n the n1atcrial in hand, it docs not scc1n to have been inside the abodes of the clan (i.e., not in the san1c place \vhcrc their tents \Vere positioned), but nearby. V\.'c learn that there \Vt4S such a place near a certain route through \vhich Jarlr passed on his \Vay to his fa1nily's abodes. The poet scc1ns to be riding an anin1al surrounded by a group of listeners \vho \Vere apparently standing
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owner: logan - (no access) - Hussein, Ali: The Formative Age of the Naqaid Poetry, p510


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