UMA is defined as the situation in which access to any RAM from any CPU takes the same amount of time. With NUMA, some parts of memory may take longer to access than other parts, creating a performance penalty. Operating systems can minimize the NUMA penalty through resource management, as discussed in Section 9.5.4. A recent trend in CPU design is to include multiple computing cores on a single chip. Such multiprocessor systems are termed multicore.They can be more efficient than multiple chips with single cores because on-chip communication is faster than between-chip communication. In addition, one chip with multiple cores uses significantly less power than multiple single-core chips
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- owner: miller - (no access) - Abraham Silberschatz_ Peter B Galvin_ Greg Gagne -Operating system concepts-Wiley (2012).pdf, p40
- owner: hughleat - (no access) - Abraham-Silberschatz-Operating-System-Concepts---9th2012.12.pdf, p40
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