This device driver understands the device controller and provides the rest of the operating system with a uniform interface to the device
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Open itof special-purpose registers. The device controller is responsible for moving the data between the peripheral devices that it controls and its local buffer storage. Typically, operating systems have a device driver for each device controller. <span>This device driver understands the device controller and provides the rest of the operating system with a uniform interface to the device. To start an I/O operation, the device driver loads the appropriate registers within the device controller. The device controller, in turn, examines the contents of these registers to dOriginal toplevel documents (pdfs)
- owner: miller - (no access) - Abraham Silberschatz_ Peter B Galvin_ Greg Gagne -Operating system concepts-Wiley (2012).pdf, p36
- owner: hughleat - (no access) - Abraham-Silberschatz-Operating-System-Concepts---9th2012.12.pdf, p36
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