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Kant adn race ideas
Kant himself was notoriously racist. He treated race as a scientific category (which it is not ), correlated it with the ability for abstract thought, and – theorising on the destiny of races in lectures to students – arranged them in a hierarchical order:

Kant adn race ideas

Kant adn race ideas
Kant himself was notoriously racist. He treated race as a scientific category (which it is not ), correlated it with the ability for abstract thought, and – theorising on the destiny of races in lectures to students – arranged them in a hierarchical order:
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Why the Western philosophical canon is xenophobic and racist | Aeon Essays
ed, and it was a decision based not on a reasoned argument, but rather on polemical considerations involving the pro-Kantian faction in European philosophy, as well as views about race that are both scientifically unsound and morally heinous. <span>Kant himself was notoriously racist. He treated race as a scientific category (which it is not), correlated it with the ability for abstract thought, and – theorising on the destiny of races in lectures to students – arranged them in a hierarchical order: 1. ‘The race of the whites contains all talents Cancel Save Comment and motives in itself.’ 2. ‘The Hindus … have a strong degree of calm, and all look like philosophers. That notwiths


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