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#english #game #strauss
The girls strolled to the bar, where they began talking to a transvestite in a black tutu. I moved in, not even glancing at them, and greeted the transvestite as if l knew him. I asked if he worked at the club, and he said no. It didn't really matter what I said to him: I was just maneuvering into position, pawning him for the two-set. Now that I was in range, it was time to neg. "That girl over there is bit- ing your style," I said to the 10, the shorter of the two. "Look at her." I pointed to another platinum blonde in a white outfit. "She's just got the same hair," the 10 replied, dismissively.
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owner: Dragaan5 - (no access) - Neil Strauss-The Game_ Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists-It Books (2005).pdf, p153


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