Most structures including cables require some pre-tension being applied in the cable, here, we do it by cooling them 1 . Firstly, we describe a temperature field, set to zero on the whole model. temper1=CREA_CHAMP ( TYPE_CHAM=’NOEU_TEMP_R’ , MODELE=model , OPERATION=’AFFE’ , AFFE=( _F (TOUT=’OUI’ , NOM_CMP=’TEMP’ ,VALE = 0 . , ) , ) , ) ; Secondly, we describe another temperature field, set to -100° C on the cables and to zero on the rest of the model. temper2=CREA_CHAMP ( MODELE=model , TYPE_CHAM=’NOEU_TEMP_R’ , OPERATION=’AFFE’ , AFFE=( _F (TOUT=’OUI’ , NOM_CMP=’TEMP’ ,VALE = 0 . , ) , _F (GROUP_MA=(’cable’ , ) , NOM_CMP=’TEMP’ , VALE = − 100. ,) , ) , ) ;