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Economic conditions are more important. A people may possess ordered institutions, a lofty moral code, and even a flair for the minor forms of and, like the American Indians; and yet if it remains in the hunting stage, if it depends for its existence upon the precarious fortunes of the chase, it will never quite pass from barbarism to civilization.
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Economic conditions are more important. A people may possess ordered institutions, a lofty moral code, and even a flair for the minor forms of and, like the American Indians; and yet if it remains in the hunting stage, if it depends for its existence upon the precarious fortunes of the chase, it will never quite pass from barbarism to civilization.

Economic conditions are more important. A people may possess ordered institutions, a lofty moral code, and even a flair for the minor forms of and, like the American Indians; and yet if it remains in the hunting stage, if it depends for its existence upon the precarious fortunes of the chase, it will never quite pass from barbarism to civilization.
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owner: dremorris - (no access) - Emailing Durant_Will_-_The_story_of_civilization_1.pdf, p99


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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