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Open it Martin Heidegger describes the four causes as follows: causa materialis is the material or matter causa formalis is the form or shape the material or matter enters causa finalis is the end causa efficie
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Four causes - Wikipedia hey do not read teleologically. Nevertheless, biologists still frequently write in a way which can be read as implying teleology even if that is not the intention. Heidegger on technology[edit] <span>In The Question Concerning Technology, Martin Heidegger describes the four causes as follows: causa materialis is the material or matter causa formalis is the form or shape the material or matter enters causa finalis is the end causa efficiens is the effect that brings about the finished result.[34] Heidegger explains it thus: Whoever builds a house or a ship or forges a sacrificial chalice reveals what is to be brought forth, according to the terms of the four modes of occasion
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