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In linux, you have file called test.txt, how do you just print out the lines from test.txt that have both the words 'GNU' AND the word 'Test" (in any order)?
grep -w 'GNU' test.txt | grep -w 'Test'
^^ note the use of two greps in a pipe to do the AND filtering.

In linux, you have file called test.txt, how do you just print out the lines from test.txt that have both the words 'GNU' AND the word 'Test" (in any order)?

In linux, you have file called test.txt, how do you just print out the lines from test.txt that have both the words 'GNU' AND the word 'Test" (in any order)?
grep -w 'GNU' test.txt | grep -w 'Test'
^^ note the use of two greps in a pipe to do the AND filtering.
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8. Streams and sed -- The Stream Editor
he second grep command scans that data for lines with the word Linux in them. grep is often used this way as a filter [Something that screens data.] and can be used multiple times, for example, <span>grep L myfile.txt | grep i | grep n | grep u | grep x The < character redirects the contents of a file in place of stdin. In other words, the contents of a file replace what would normally come from a keyboard. Try grep GNU < gnu_lin


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