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In linux, regular expression [...] are used, via sed, for example, to move chuncks of text around within lines, or to just display one (or more) chunck of a line.

In linux, regular expression [...] are used, via sed, for example, to move chuncks of text around within lines, or to just display one (or more) chunck of a line.

In linux, regular expression [...] are used, via sed, for example, to move chuncks of text around within lines, or to just display one (or more) chunck of a line.
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8. Streams and sed -- The Stream Editor
in each line). (There are other <option> ; see the sed info page.) For demonstration, type sed -e 's/e/E/g' and type out a few lines of English text. 8.7 Regular Expression Subexpressions <span>The section explains how to do the apparently complex task of moving text around within lines. Consider, for example, the output of ls : say you want to automatically strip out only the size column-- sed can do this sort of editing if you use the special \( \) notation to group


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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