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In linux, in bash scripts, the ";" charactor is used to signify end of line (in place of new line) to combine lines together, while the [...] charactor is used to split a long command into multiple lines
^^ backslash

In linux, in bash scripts, the ";" charactor is used to signify end of line (in place of new line) to combine lines together, while the [...] charactor is used to split a long command into multiple lines

In linux, in bash scripts, the ";" charactor is used to signify end of line (in place of new line) to combine lines together, while the [...] charactor is used to split a long command into multiple lines
^^ backslash
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8. Streams and sed -- The Stream Editor
ipts that edit configuration files for you. For instance, sed -e '7a\ an extra line.\ another one.\ one more.' a ppends three lines after line 7, whereas sed -e '7i\ an extra line.\ another one.<span>\ one more.' i nserts three lines before line 7. Then sed -e '3,5D' D eletes lines 3 through 5. In sed terminology, the numbers here are called addresses, which can also be regular expres


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


No repetitions


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