In linux, an email message is simply a block of text sent from one user to another on the same machine or [...]
(across the internet to) another user on another machine
In linux, an email message is simply a block of text sent from one user to another on the same machine or [...]
In linux, an email message is simply a block of text sent from one user to another on the same machine or [...]
(across the internet to) another user on another machine
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10. Mail here is really what is going on in the background of any system that supports mail. A mail message is a block of text sent from one user to another, using some mail command or mailer program. A <span>mail message will usually also be accompanied by a subject explaining what the mail is about. The idea of mail is that a message can be sent to someone even though he may not be logged in at the tim
not learned
measured difficulty
37% [default]
last interval [days]
repetition number in this series
memorised on
scheduled repetition
scheduled repetition interval
last repetition or drill
No repetitions
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