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I imported a webpage into a deck titled "Incremental Reading" (by selecting the correct deck and then pressing Read>Import Webpage.
If you want to change selection, open document below and click on "Move attachment"

How to correctly use Anki + the Incremental Reading Addon? : Anki
("how hard can this be, I'm sure it'll be easy..."), but unfortunately I have not been successful with that either. I've detailed my attempt below to let you guys know where I'm at. My Attempt <span>I imported a webpage into a deck titled "Incremental Reading" (by selecting the correct deck and then pressing Read>Import Webpage. I then selected from the menu Read>Organizer... I then double-clicked my article This brought up a window called "Browse (1 card shown; 1 card selected) I then attempted to add a clo


statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on



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