Goya carried his art through many stages, from pen- etrating portraits of [...] to a particular concern in his middle and late periods with the human pro- pensity for barbarity
the Spanish royal family
Goya carried his art through many stages, from pen- etrating portraits of [...] to a particular concern in his middle and late periods with the human pro- pensity for barbarity
Goya carried his art through many stages, from pen- etrating portraits of [...] to a particular concern in his middle and late periods with the human pro- pensity for barbarity
the Spanish royal family
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Open it Goya carried his art through many stages, from pen- etrating portraits of the Spanish royal family to a particular concern in his middle and late periods with the human pro- pensity for barbarity
Original toplevel document (pdf)
owner: mmartin046 - (no access) - H. H. Arnason, Elizabeth C. Mansfield-History of Modern Art-Pearson (2012).pdf, p26
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