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In linux, the bash login initialization script /etc/profile often calls other initialization sub-scripts in the [...] directory


^^ these subscripts often due initilization (e.g. set env variables) for specific programs, e.g. jdk (which sets JAVA_HOME, etc).

In linux, the bash login initialization script /etc/profile often calls other initialization sub-scripts in the [...] directory

In linux, the bash login initialization script /etc/profile often calls other initialization sub-scripts in the [...] directory


^^ these subscripts often due initilization (e.g. set env variables) for specific programs, e.g. jdk (which sets JAVA_HOME, etc).

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20. Advanced Shell Scripting
le , ~/.bash_profile , ~/.bash_login and ~/.profile , in that order. In addition, an interactive shell that is not a login shell also reads ~/.bashrc . Note that traditional sh shells only read <span>/etc/profile and ~/.profile . 20.8.1 Customizing the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH Administrators can customise things like the environment variables by modifying these startup scripts. Consider the clas


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


No repetitions


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