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In linux, when you issue the ifconfig command, in the output, [...] represents an imaginary network card that is used to communicate with the machine itself.


^^^ lo is short for loop-back interface

^^^^the IP is usually, for localhost

In linux, when you issue the ifconfig command, in the output, [...] represents an imaginary network card that is used to communicate with the machine itself.

In linux, when you issue the ifconfig command, in the output, [...] represents an imaginary network card that is used to communicate with the machine itself.


^^^ lo is short for loop-back interface

^^^^the IP is usually, for localhost

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25. Introduction to IP
ork configuration using only raw networking commands. We first create a lo interface. This is called the loopback device (and has nothing to do with loopback block devices: /dev/loop ? files). T<span>he loopback device is an imaginary network card that is used to communicate with the machine itself; for instance, if you are telnet ing to the local machine, you are actually connecting via the loopback device. The ifconfig ( i nter f ace config ure) command is used to do anything wi


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