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In linux, what exacly does the ping command do?
It sends an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocal) packet to target host url/dns and measures how long it takes for the acknowledgement ICMP packet from the target to return.

In linux, what exacly does the ping command do?

In linux, what exacly does the ping command do?
It sends an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocal) packet to target host url/dns and measures how long it takes for the acknowledgement ICMP packet from the target to return.
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25. Introduction to IP
s in excess of 2 seconds if the place is remote enough. On a local LAN this delay will drop to under a millisecond. If ping does not even get to the line PING ..., it means that <span>ping cannot resolve the host name. You should then check that your DNS is set up correctly--see Chapter 27. If ping gets to that line but no further, it means that the packets are not gettin


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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