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Algorithm 1 Learn USFA with ε-greedy Q-learning

Require: ε, training tasks M, distribution Dz over Rd, number of policies nz

  1. 1: select initial state s ∈ S

  2. 2: forn s steps do

  3. 3: sample w uniformly at random from M

  4. 4: {sample policies, possibly based on current task}

  5. 5: for i ← 1,2,...,nz do zi ∼ Dz(·|w)

  6. 6: if Bernoulli(ε)=1 then a ← Uniform(A)

  7. 7: else a ← [GPI]

  8. 8: Execute action a and observe φ and s′

  9. 9: for i ← 1,2,...,nz do {Update ψ ̃}

10: a′ ← [\(a' \equiv \pi_i(s')\)]

  1. 11: θ←− φ+γψ(s′,a′,zi)−ψ(s,a,zi) ∇_θψ

  2. 12: s←s′

13: returnθ


\(\operatorname{argmax}_{b} \max _{i} \tilde{\boldsymbol{\psi}}\left(s, b, \mathbf{z}_{i}\right)^{\top} \mathbf{w}\)

\(\operatorname{argmax}_{b}\tilde{\boldsymbol{\psi}}\left(s, b, \mathbf{z}_{i}\right)^{\top} \mathbf{z_i}\)


Algorithm 1 Learn USFA with ε-greedy Q-learning

Require: ε, training tasks M, distribution Dz over Rd, number of policies nz

  1. 1: select initial state s ∈ S

  2. 2: forn s steps do

  3. 3: sample w uniformly at random from M

  4. 4: {sample policies, possibly based on current task}

  5. 5: for i ← 1,2,...,nz do zi ∼ Dz(·|w)

  6. 6: if Bernoulli(ε)=1 then a ← Uniform(A)

  7. 7: else a ← [GPI]

  8. 8: Execute action a and observe φ and s′

  9. 9: for i ← 1,2,...,nz do {Update ψ ̃}

10: a′ ← [\(a' \equiv \pi_i(s')\)]

  1. 11: θ←− φ+γψ(s′,a′,zi)−ψ(s,a,zi) ∇_θψ

  2. 12: s←s′

13: returnθ



Algorithm 1 Learn USFA with ε-greedy Q-learning

Require: ε, training tasks M, distribution Dz over Rd, number of policies nz

  1. 1: select initial state s ∈ S

  2. 2: forn s steps do

  3. 3: sample w uniformly at random from M

  4. 4: {sample policies, possibly based on current task}

  5. 5: for i ← 1,2,...,nz do zi ∼ Dz(·|w)

  6. 6: if Bernoulli(ε)=1 then a ← Uniform(A)

  7. 7: else a ← [GPI]

  8. 8: Execute action a and observe φ and s′

  9. 9: for i ← 1,2,...,nz do {Update ψ ̃}

10: a′ ← [\(a' \equiv \pi_i(s')\)]

  1. 11: θ←− φ+γψ(s′,a′,zi)−ψ(s,a,zi) ∇_θψ

  2. 12: s←s′

13: returnθ


\(\operatorname{argmax}_{b} \max _{i} \tilde{\boldsymbol{\psi}}\left(s, b, \mathbf{z}_{i}\right)^{\top} \mathbf{w}\)

\(\operatorname{argmax}_{b}\tilde{\boldsymbol{\psi}}\left(s, b, \mathbf{z}_{i}\right)^{\top} \mathbf{z_i}\)

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owner: reseal - (no access) - Universal Successor Features Approximators, p6


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


No repetitions


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