In AWS, EFS has 2 distinct advantages to EBS, 1) you can have multiple EC2 instances use the same EFS volume/file system (wheras with EBS only 1 EC2 instance can use an EBS volume), and 2) [...long description here...]
it scales infinitely as you can store petabytes of data on the fly and you pay as you go for the storage you use (by size)
In AWS, EFS has 2 distinct advantages to EBS, 1) you can have multiple EC2 instances use the same EFS volume/file system (wheras with EBS only 1 EC2 instance can use an EBS volume), and 2) [...long description here...]
In AWS, EFS has 2 distinct advantages to EBS, 1) you can have multiple EC2 instances use the same EFS volume/file system (wheras with EBS only 1 EC2 instance can use an EBS volume), and 2) [...long description here...]
it scales infinitely as you can store petabytes of data on the fly and you pay as you go for the storage you use (by size)
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37% [default]
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