Preamble reveals four ingredients or components: 1. Source of authority of the Constitution: The Preamble states that the Constitution derives its authority from the people of India. 2. Nature of Indian State: It declares India to be of a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic and republican polity. 3. Objectives of the Constitution: It specifies justice, liberty, equality and fraternity as the [...]. 4. Date of adoption of the Constitution: It stipulates November 26, 1949 as the date.
Preamble reveals four ingredients or components: 1. Source of authority of the Constitution: The Preamble states that the Constitution derives its authority from the people of India. 2. Nature of Indian State: It declares India to be of a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic and republican polity. 3. Objectives of the Constitution: It specifies justice, liberty, equality and fraternity as the [...]. 4. Date of adoption of the Constitution: It stipulates November 26, 1949 as the date.
Preamble reveals four ingredients or components: 1. Source of authority of the Constitution: The Preamble states that the Constitution derives its authority from the people of India. 2. Nature of Indian State: It declares India to be of a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic and republican polity. 3. Objectives of the Constitution: It specifies justice, liberty, equality and fraternity as the [...]. 4. Date of adoption of the Constitution: It stipulates November 26, 1949 as the date.
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Open it te: It declares India to be of a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic and republican polity. 3. Objectives of the Constitution: It specifies justice, liberty, equality and fraternity as the <span>objectives. 4. Date of adoption of the Constitution: It stipulates November 26, 1949 as the date. <span>
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