Eliminate stress: Stress is understood here as rapid change resulting in an increase in stress hormones (catecholamines, ACTH, cortisol, etc.). Stressful change can come from conflict, illness, death of a relative or unemployment. Stress can also result from seemingly happy events such as a marriage or a slap-dash vacation. Please do not fail to read:
The Medical Basis of Stress. A simple test here is to make sure that creative problems circulate in your mind while you are brushing your teeth. You will fail the test if instead of creative thinking you are preoccupied with problems at work or in the family. Stress will cut down your creative efficiency manifold if it takes your mind away from problem solving. Most of all, however, it will affect your [...]: another cornerstone of genius. In addition, sustained stress will result in hypercortisolism, overactivity of the sympathetic system, and a resulting inhibition of the neural growth and memory consolidation