mers use all the time. In this case, we are dividing a potentially very complicated function into smaller, more manageable bits. For example, let's call our target function
then we have
and can abstract away the individual terms, also as functions, giving us the addition of three subfu
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Gradient boosting: Distance to target, which leads us to the final plot matching our target function: Decomposing a complicated function into simpler subfunctions is nothing more than the divide and conquer strategy that we program<span>mers use all the time. In this case, we are dividing a potentially very complicated function into smaller, more manageable bits. For example, let's call our target function then we have and can abstract away the individual terms, also as functions, giving us the addition of three subfunctions: where: More generally, mathematicians describe the decomposition of a function into the addition of M subfunctions like this: The sigma notation is a for-loop that iterates m fr Summary
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