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Figure 1.3 The ASP.NET Core application model. The .NET Core platform

provides a base console application model for running command-line apps.

Adding a web server library converts this into an ASP.NET Core web app.

Additional features, such as configuration and logging, are added by way of

additional libraries.



Figure 1.3 The ASP.NET Core application model. The .NET Core platform

provides a base console application model for running command-line apps.

Adding a web server library converts this into an ASP.NET Core web app.

Additional features, such as configuration and logging, are added by way of

additional libraries.


Figure 1.3 The ASP.NET Core application model. The .NET Core platform

provides a base console application model for running command-line apps.

Adding a web server library converts this into an ASP.NET Core web app.

Additional features, such as configuration and logging, are added by way of

additional libraries.

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owner: wmunlai - (no access) - ASP.NET Core in Action - Booksknot.pdf, p7


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


No repetitions


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