Megalogomphus superbus Fraser, endemic to the Western Ghats, has been photographed for the first time in nine decades
Last week, a photograph of a dragonfly in grass-green, yellow and reddish-brown colour and bottle-green eyes trended on odonate forums in India.
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Unknown titleerbus Fraser, endemic to the Western Ghats, has been photographed for the first time in nine decades Share Article 0 PRINT A A A Megalogomphus Superbus Fraser | Photo Credit: Ravindran Kamatchi <span>Megalogomphus superbus Fraser, endemic to the Western Ghats, has been photographed for the first time in nine decades Last week, a photograph of a dragonfly in grass-green, yellow and reddish-brown colour and bottle-green eyes trended on odonate forums in India. It is the first time this species, Megalogomphus superbus Fraser, has been caught on camera and naturalists Ravindran Kamatchi and S Gopala Krishnan achieved this feat during a birding Summary
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