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If confirmed, this detection provides a novel way to examine alien worlds

An international team of scientists has collected the first possible radio signal from a planet beyond our solar system, emanating from an exoplanet system about 51 light-years away.

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1 IST PRESS TRUST OF INDIA December 19, 2020 19:01 IST Updated: December 19, 2020 19:01 IST If confirmed, this detection provides a novel way to examine alien worlds Share Article 0 PRINT A A A <span>If confirmed, this detection provides a novel way to examine alien worlds An international team of scientists has collected the first possible radio signal from a planet beyond our solar system, emanating from an exoplanet system about 51 light-years away. Using the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), a radio telescope in the Netherlands, the researchers uncovered emission bursts from the Tau Bootes star-system hosting a so-called hot Jupiter, a


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