Study the source material. Whenever you read an interesting article or a book,
check the references to access the original source of knowledge. Then, check the references of these sources. You can go many levels deeper by exploring sources both horizontally and vertically. You can even paste the source into
Connected Papers to generate a map of reference papers to explore further.
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Unbounded learning: how to unshackle your education - Ness Labsght can emerge over time, and that learning together is more beneficial than learning on your own. Here are a few practical strategies you can apply to break free from linear, bounded learning: <span>Study the source material. Whenever you read an interesting article or a book, check the references to access the original source of knowledge. Then, check the references of these sources. You can go many levels deeper by exploring sources both horizontally and vertically. You can even paste the source into Connected Papers to generate a map of reference papers to explore further. Mix and match the content to fit your needs. Don’t stick to just one course or one book to study a topic. Try different platforms, formats, and educators and keep the ones that work bes Summary
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