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Day-to-day development discussions take place on the Linux kernel mailing list (LKML). Changes are tracked using the version control system git, which was created by Torvalds as a bespoke replacement for BitKeeper. Linux as a whole is released under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2),[22] but it also contains several files under other compatible licenses,[4] and an ad hoc exemption for the user space API header files (UAPI).
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Linux kernel - Wikipedia
age and with the use of architecture specific instructions (ISA). This produces a highly optimized executable (vmlinux) with respect to utilization of memory space and task execution times.[21] <span>Day-to-day development discussions take place on the Linux kernel mailing list (LKML). Changes are tracked using the version control system git, which was created by Torvalds as a bespoke replacement for BitKeeper. Linux as a whole is released under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2),[22] but it also contains several files under other compatible licenses,[4] and an ad hoc exemption for the user space API header files (UAPI). Contents 1 History 2 Architecture and features 2.1 Interfaces 2.1.1 Kernel-to-userspace API 2.1.2 Kernel-to-userspace ABI 2.1.3 In-kernel API 2.1.4 In-kernel ABI 2.2 Processes and threa


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