A [...] is a tiny computer that inside a network makes sure that a message sent from a given computer arrives at the right destination computer.
A [...] is a tiny computer that inside a network makes sure that a message sent from a given computer arrives at the right destination computer.
A [...] is a tiny computer that inside a network makes sure that a message sent from a given computer arrives at the right destination computer.
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Open it A router is a tiny computer that inside a network makes sure that a message sent from a given computer arrives at the right destination computer.
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How does the Internet work? - Learn web development | MDN connect as many computers as you wish. But it gets complicated quickly. If you're trying to connect, say, ten computers, you need 45 cables, with nine plugs per computer! To solve this problem, <span>each computer on a network is connected to a special tiny computer called a router. This router has only one job: like a signaler at a railway station, it makes sure that a message sent from a given computer arrives at the right destination computer. To send a message to computer B, computer A must send the message to the router, which in turn forwards the message to computer B and makes sure the message is not delivered to computer
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