The feeling y ou ’ re talking about her e is one I call cer tainty . I t’ s the feeling she gets when she ’ s certain that ever ything’ s goin g to be okay--when she kno ws that sh e doesn ’t ha ve to worr y abou t any i ssues, she doesn ’ t need to take con trol of an y of the specifics and she can j ust relax a nd be f ree. I t ’ s not to sa y t hat sh e couldn ’ t t ake con t rol if sh e want ed to , it ’ s jus t that she doesn ’ t have to . This is at the co re of j ust abou t ever y single one of these desires. W hen she feels safe, secure, free, certain that everyt hing ’ s go ing to be okay , she feels hap py . Does that mak e sense?
Attraction isn’t a thought. It’s a feeling. What feeling are they looking for? The feeling that everything’s going to be okay--that she doesn’t have to worry, that she doesn’t have to take control of any of the boring details--that she can just be free to do whatever she wants.
The feeling y ou ’ re talking about her e is one I call cer tainty . I t’ s the feeling she gets when she ’ s certain that ever ything’ s goin g to be okay--when she kno ws that sh e doesn ’t ha ve to worr y abou t any i ssues, she doesn ’ t need to take con trol of an y of the specifics and she can j ust relax a nd be f ree. I t ’ s not to sa y t hat sh e couldn ’ t t ake con t rol if sh e want ed to , it ’ s jus t that she doesn ’ t have to . This is at the co re of j ust abou t ever y single one of these desires. W hen she feels safe, secure, free, certain that everyt hing ’ s go ing to be okay , she feels hap py . Does that mak e sense?
The feeling y ou ’ re talking about her e is one I call cer tainty . I t’ s the feeling she gets when she ’ s certain that ever ything’ s goin g to be okay--when she kno ws that sh e doesn ’t ha ve to worr y abou t any i ssues, she doesn ’ t need to take con trol of an y of the specifics and she can j ust relax a nd be f ree. I t ’ s not to sa y t hat sh e couldn ’ t t ake con t rol if sh e want ed to , it ’ s jus t that she doesn ’ t have to . This is at the co re of j ust abou t ever y single one of these desires. W hen she feels safe, secure, free, certain that everyt hing ’ s go ing to be okay , she feels hap py . Does that mak e sense?
Attraction isn’t a thought. It’s a feeling. What feeling are they looking for? The feeling that everything’s going to be okay--that she doesn’t have to worry, that she doesn’t have to take control of any of the boring details--that she can just be free to do whatever she wants.
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