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level 4


·1 yr. ago

I tried to preserve a lot of html, I forgot now what exactly I remove. Submitting forms is disabled for example. All resources like CSS are loaded via server, so the browser does not complain about cross site references.

Of course when you use Chrome Extension, I do not change the original html, and nothing is disabled, you can submit forms etc, but I have another problem - the annotations popup from Buboflash inherits some of the underlying page styling, or worse, I can add inadvertently my styling to the original page, but I did not see it happen in practice. Not ideal, I will fix that one day with iframe.

Pages are always cached in, so search by text works with them.

The highlighted part is just <span ...> with colour, and it is matched approximately against the whole page text, not by letter position for example. A lot can change in the underlying page, like paragraphs added before or after the annotation and it will still find the right place. You can still fool it when the actual selected and highlighted text changes, or similar text appears somewhere else (that was not originally there). If it loses its position, you can still see it at the bottom in annotations strip on the right, but not anchored in the actual page. You can re-anchor it manually.

Of course annotating pages that change fully every day, like Wikipedia front page does not make sense. It will always lose annotations' positions and the new page content is totally unrelated to the previous one you annotated.


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level 5


OP·1 yr. ago

Thank you.... good to know!


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level 6


·1 yr. ago

You are welcome. I re-read it after posting and I think I did not make clear that when you read articles via buboflash web, it is the buboflash server that requests the page on your behalf and sends to your browser from - the upside is that the server indexes exactly the same content as you see, the downside is that no session in the original page will work (no forms to log in or cookies to keep the session). You can only annotate publicily available content this way.

When you use Chrome Web Extension though, the opposite is true, your browser requests the page, so you can have session, private content etc, but when you try to annotate, it is not that the browser uploads the content you see to - the buboflash server requests the content on its own usin


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