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Identify “SH” Words in Everyday Speech

A child has to be able to identify correct “SH” words in order to change their productions. So make it a point to point out words with “SH” in everyday speech. You should also make it a point to trying using these words routinely in your daily conversations, and have your child point them out every time they hear one.

Have fun and make it a game! See who can identify the most “SH” words in a day.

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How to Pronounce the “SH” Sound
ing the “SH” sound, follow the tips below to help them out. Some of these may be more impactful for certain children, so it's best to practice them all and see what best elicits a correct "SH." <span>Identify “SH” Words in Everyday Speech A child has to be able to identify correct “SH” words in order to change their productions. So make it a point to point out words with “SH” in everyday speech. You should also make it a point to trying using these words routinely in your daily conversations, and have your child point them out every time they hear one. Have fun and make it a game! See who can identify the most “SH” words in a day. Identify Correct Vs. Incorrect Productions Here is another simple but very effective game you can play with your child to improve their “SH” sounds. Say the “SH” sound for your child co


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