When your child can produce the “SH” sound in isolation easily, it is then time to move on to syllable level. You will continue practicing in very structured contexts. The typical order of progression a speech therapist would follow in treatment includes: isolation level, syllable level, word level, phrase level, sentence level, conversation level.
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How to Pronounce the “SH” Soundve your child imitate your productions after you. It can help many children to have a direct model. Over time, try to fade your modeling and allow your child to say the “SH” sound on their own. <span>When your child can produce the “SH” sound in isolation easily, it is then time to move on to syllable level. You will continue practicing in very structured contexts. The typical order of progression a speech therapist would follow in treatment includes: isolation level, syllable level, word level, phrase level, sentence level, conversation level. Activity Ideas To keep your child engaged in practice you have to keep things new and exciting! What’s great about speech practice is that almost any activity can be used to improve spe Summary
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