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const user = { name : 'Hedy Lamarr' , imageUrl : '' , imageSize : 90 , } ;
export default function Profile ( ) { return ( < > < h1 > { user . name } </ h1 > < img className = "avatar" src = { user . imageUrl } alt = { 'Photo of ' + user . name } style = { { width : user . imageSize , height : user . imageSize } } /> </ > ) ; }
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In the above example, style={{}} is not a special syntax, but a regular {} object inside the style={ } JSX curly braces. You can use the style attribute when your styles depend on JavaScript variables.

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Quick Start – React
e src attribute: return ( <img className="avatar" src={user.imageUrl} /> ); You can put more complex expressions inside the JSX curly braces too, for example, string concatenation: App.js <span>App.js Download Reset Fork 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 const user = { name: 'Hedy Lamarr', imageUrl: '', imageSize: 90, }; export default function Profile() { return ( <> <h1>{}</h1> <img className="avatar" src={user.imageUrl} alt={'Photo of ' +} style={{ width: user.imageSize, height: user.imageSize }} /> </> ); } Show more In the above example, style={{}} is not a special syntax, but a regular {} object inside the style={ } JSX curly braces. You can use the style attribute when your styles depend on JavaScript variables. Conditional rendering In React, there is no special syntax for writing conditions. Instead, you’ll use the same techniques as you use when writing regular JavaScript code. For example,


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