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Database Schema Migration

  • atlas - A Database Toolkit. A CLI designed to help companies better work with their data.
  • avro - Discover SQL schemas and convert them to AVRO schemas. Query SQL records into AVRO bytes.
  • bytebase - Safe database schema change and version control for DevOps teams.
  • darwin - Database schema evolution library for Go.
  • dbmate - A lightweight, framework-agnostic database migration tool.
  • go-fixtures - Django style fixtures for Golang's excellent built-in database/sql library.
  • go-pg-migrate - CLI-friendly package for go-pg migrations management.
  • go-pg-migrations - A Go package to help write migrations with go-pg/pg.
  • goavro - A Go package that encodes and decodes Avro data.
  • godfish - Database migration manager, works with native query language. Support for cassandra, mysql, postgres, sqlite3.
  • goose - Database migration tool. You can manage your database's evolution by creating incremental SQL or Go scripts.
  • gorm-seeder - Simple database seeder for Gorm ORM.
  • gormigrate - Database schema migration helper for Gorm ORM.
  • libschema - Define your migrations separately in each library. Migrations for open source libraries. MySQL & PostgreSQL.
  • migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
  • migrator - Dead simple Go database migration library.
  • migrator - MySQL database migrator designed to run migrations to your features and manage database schema update with intuitive go code.
  • schema - Library to embed schema migrations for database/sql-compatible databases inside your Go binaries.
  • skeema - Pure-SQL schema management system for MySQL, with support for sharding and external online schema change tools.
  • soda - Database migration, creation, ORM, etc... for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
  • sql-migrate - Database migration tool. Allows embedding migrations into the application using go-bindata.
  • sqlize - Database migration generator. Allows generate sql migration from model and existing sql by differ them.
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A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software - Awesome Go / Golang
without service interruption. VictoriaMetrics - fast, resource-effective and scalable open source time series database. May be used as long-term remote storage for Prometheus. Supports PromQL. <span>Database Schema Migration atlas - A Database Toolkit. A CLI designed to help companies better work with their data. avro - Discover SQL schemas and convert them to AVRO schemas. Query SQL records into AVRO bytes. bytebase - Safe database schema change and version control for DevOps teams. darwin - Database schema evolution library for Go. dbmate - A lightweight, framework-agnostic database migration tool. go-fixtures - Django style fixtures for Golang's excellent built-in database/sql library. go-pg-migrate - CLI-friendly package for go-pg migrations management. go-pg-migrations - A Go package to help write migrations with go-pg/pg. goavro - A Go package that encodes and decodes Avro data. godfish - Database migration manager, works with native query language. Support for cassandra, mysql, postgres, sqlite3. goose - Database migration tool. You can manage your database's evolution by creating incremental SQL or Go scripts. gorm-seeder - Simple database seeder for Gorm ORM. gormigrate - Database schema migration helper for Gorm ORM. libschema - Define your migrations separately in each library. Migrations for open source libraries. MySQL & PostgreSQL. migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library. migrator - Dead simple Go database migration library. migrator - MySQL database migrator designed to run migrations to your features and manage database schema update with intuitive go code. schema - Library to embed schema migrations for database/sql-compatible databases inside your Go binaries. skeema - Pure-SQL schema management system for MySQL, with support for sharding and external online schema change tools. soda - Database migration, creation, ORM, etc... for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. sql-migrate - Database migration tool. Allows embedding migrations into the application using go-bindata. sqlize - Database migration generator. Allows generate sql migration from model and existing sql by differ them. Database Tools chproxy - HTTP proxy for ClickHouse database. clickhouse-bulk - Collects small inserts and sends big requests to ClickHouse servers. dbbench - Database benchmarking tool


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