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The SuperMemo program stores a database of questions and answers constructed by the user. When reviewing information saved in the database, the program uses the SuperMemo algorithm to decide what questions to show the user. The user then answers the question and rates their relative ease of recall - with grades of 0 to 5 (0 is the hardest, 5 is the easiest) - and their rating is used to calculate how soon they should be shown the question again. While the exact algorithm varies with the version of SuperMemo, in general, items that are harder to remember show up more frequently.[

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The SuperMemo program stores a database of questions and answers constructed by the user. When reviewing information saved in the database, the program uses the SuperMemo algorithm to decide what questions to show the user. The user then answers the question and rates their relative ease of recall - with grades of 0 to 5 (0 is the hardest, 5 is the easiest) - and their rating is used to calculate how soon they should be shown the question again. While the exact algorithm varies with the version of SuperMemo, in general, items that are harder to remember show up more frequently.[
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SuperMemo - Wikipedia
a computer.[4] The desktop version of SuperMemo (since v. 2002) supports incremental reading, as well as traditional creation of question and answer flashcards.[5] Software implementation[edit] <span>The SuperMemo program stores a database of questions and answers constructed by the user. When reviewing information saved in the database, the program uses the SuperMemo algorithm to decide what questions to show the user. The user then answers the question and rates their relative ease of recall - with grades of 0 to 5 (0 is the hardest, 5 is the easiest) - and their rating is used to calculate how soon they should be shown the question again. While the exact algorithm varies with the version of SuperMemo, in general, items that are harder to remember show up more frequently.[2] Besides simple text questions and answers, the latest version of SuperMemo supports images, video, and HTML questions and answers.[6] Since 2002, SuperMemo has had a unique set of fea


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


No repetitions


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