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The concrete pathologies of belief, its failures and perver- sions, whether of defect or excess, spring from failure to ob- serve and adhere to the principle that knowledge is the com- pleted resolution of the inherently indeterminate or doubtful. The commonest fallacy is to suppose that since the state of doubt is accompanied by afeeling of uncertainty, knowledge arises when this feeling gives way to one of assurance. Think- ing then ceases to be an effort to effect change in the objective situation and is replaced by various devices which generate a change in feeling or "consciousness." Tendency to premature judgment, jumping at conclusions, excessive love of simplicity, making over of evidence to suit desire, taking the familiar for the clear, etc., all spring from confusing the feeling of certi- tude with acertified situation. Thought hastens toward the settled and is only too likely to force the pace. The natural man dislikes the dis-ease which accompanies the doubtful and is ready to take almost any means to end it. Uncertainty is got rid of by fair means or foul. Long exposure to danger breeds an overpowering love of security. Love for security, translated into adesire not to be disturbed and unsettled, leads to dogmatism, to acceptance of beliefs upon authority, to in-
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owner: caj2167 - (no access) - dewey_quest.pdf, p239


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