Something that stops many people from keeping a ledger at all is the insanity of tracking small cash expenses. They rarely generate a receipt, and there are often a lot of small postings, rather than a few large ones, as with checks.
One solution is: don’t bother. Move your spending to a debit card, but in general ignore cash. Once you withdraw it from the ATM, mark it as already spent to an ‘ Expenses:Cash ’ category:
2004/03/15 ATM Expenses:Cash $100.00 Assets:Checking
If at some point you make a large cash expense that you want to track, just move the amount of the expense from ‘ Expenses:Cash ’ into the target account:
2004/03/20 Somebody Expenses:Food $65.00 Expenses:Cash
This way, you can still track large cash expenses, while ignoring all of the smaller ones.
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