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Prettier enforces a consistent code style (i.e. code formatting that won’t affect the AST) across your entire codebase because it disregards the original styling* by parsing it away and re-printing the parsed AST with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary.
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What is Prettier? · Prettier
s too long. Prettier is going to do the painstaking work of reprinting it like that for you: foo( reallyLongArg(), omgSoManyParameters(), IShouldRefactorThis(), isThereSeriouslyAnotherOne(), ); <span>Prettier enforces a consistent code style (i.e. code formatting that won’t affect the AST) across your entire codebase because it disregards the original styling* by parsing it away and re-printing the parsed AST with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary. If you want to learn more, these two conference talks are great introductions: Footnotes * Well actually, some original styling is preserved when practical—see empty lines and multi-lin


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