You can create an environment with the name nameofmyenv
by calling:
mamba create - n nameofmyenv < list of packages >
After this process has finished, you can _activate_ the virtual environment by calling mamba activate <nameofmyenv>
For example, to install JupyterLab from the conda-forge
channel and then run it, you could use the following commands:
mamba create - n myjlabenv jupyterlab - c conda - forge mamba activate myjlabenv # activate our environment jupyter lab # this will start up jupyter lab and open a browser
Once an environment is activated, mamba install
can be used to install further packages into the environment.
mamba activate myjlabenv mamba install bqplot # now you can use bqplot in myjlabenv mamba install "matplotlib>=3.5.0" cartopy # now you installed matplotlib with
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Mamba User Guide — documentationhis world, don’t panic you will find everything you need in this documentation. We recommend to get familiar with concepts first. Quickstart# The mamba create command creates a new environment. <span>You can create an environment with the name nameofmyenv by calling: mamba create -n nameofmyenv <list of packages> After this process has finished, you can _activate_ the virtual environment by calling mamba activate <nameofmyenv>. For example, to install JupyterLab from the conda-forge channel and then run it, you could use the following commands: mamba create -n myjlabenv jupyterlab -c conda-forge mamba activate myjlabenv # activate our environment jupyter lab # this will start up jupyter lab and open a browser Once an environment is activated, mamba install can be used to install further packages into the environment. mamba activate myjlabenv mamba install bqplot # now you can use bqplot in myjlabenv mamba install "matplotlib>=3.5.0" cartopy # now you installed matplotlib with version>=3.5.0 and default version of cartopy mamba vs conda CLIs# mamba is a drop-in replacement and uses the same commands and configuration options as conda. You can swap almost a Summary
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