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Procedure / function calling

  1. Place parameters in registers [...]
  2. Transfer control to procedure (jal ra, Proc)
  3. Acquire storage for procedure (addi sp, sp, -…)
  4. Perform procedure's operations
  5. Place result in register a0 for caller
  6. Free storage of procedure (addi sp, sp, +…)
  7. Return to place of call (jalr zero, 0(ra))
a0 to a7


Procedure / function calling

  1. Place parameters in registers [...]
  2. Transfer control to procedure (jal ra, Proc)
  3. Acquire storage for procedure (addi sp, sp, -…)
  4. Perform procedure's operations
  5. Place result in register a0 for caller
  6. Free storage of procedure (addi sp, sp, +…)
  7. Return to place of call (jalr zero, 0(ra))


Procedure / function calling

  1. Place parameters in registers [...]
  2. Transfer control to procedure (jal ra, Proc)
  3. Acquire storage for procedure (addi sp, sp, -…)
  4. Perform procedure's operations
  5. Place result in register a0 for caller
  6. Free storage of procedure (addi sp, sp, +…)
  7. Return to place of call (jalr zero, 0(ra))
a0 to a7
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Procedure / function calling Place parameters in registers a0 to a7 Transfer control to procedure (jal ra, Proc) Acquire storage for procedure (addi sp, sp, -…) Perform procedure's operations Place result in register a0 for caller Free storage of proced


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


No repetitions


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