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on 14-Mar-2017 (Tue)

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Flashcard 1429348158732

#means-of-communication #sister-miriam-joseph #symbols #the-function-of-language #trivium
All words are symbols with the exception of a very few imitative or [...] words, such as boom, buzz, hiss, plop, ticktock

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All words are symbols with the exception of a very few imitative or onomatopoeic words, such as boom, buzz, hiss, plop, ticktock

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Flashcard 1442605829388

#estructura-interna-de-las-palabras #formantes-morfológicos #gramatica-española #la #morfología #tulio
Una palabra tiene estructura interna cuando contiene [...]
más de un formante morfológico.

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Una palabra tiene estructura interna cuando contiene más de un formante morfológico.

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La estructura interna de la palabra
1. Los formantes morfológicos Una palabra tiene estructura interna cuando contiene más de un formante morfológico. Un formante morfológico o morfema es una unidad mínima que consta de una forma fonética y de un significado. Comparemos las siguientes palabras: gota, gotas, gotita, gotera, cuentagotas. Gota es la única de estas palabras que consta de un solo formante. Carece, entonces, de estructura interna. Es una palabra simple. Todas las otras palabras tienen estructura interna. [31] Los formantes que pueden aparecer como palabras independientes son formas libres. Los otros, los que necesariamente van adosados a otros morfe- mas, son formas ligadas. Cuentagotas contiene dos formantes que pueden aparecer cada uno como palabra independiente. Es una palabra compuesta. Gotas, gotita y gotera también contienen dos formantes, pero uno de ellos (-s, -ita, -era) nunca puede ser una palabra independiente. Son formas ligadas que se denominan afijos. Algunos afijos van pospuestos a la base (gota), como los de nuestros ejemplos: son los s u f i j o s . Otros afijos la preceden: in-útil, des-contento, a-político: Son los prefijos. Las palabras que contienen un afijo se denominan palabras complejas. Del inventario de formantes reconocidos, reconoceremos dos clases: a. Algunos son formantes léxicos: tienen un significado léxico, que se define en el diccionario: gota, cuenta. Se agrupan en clases abiertas. Pertenecen a una clase particular de palabras: sustantivos (gota), adjetivos (útil), adverbios (ayer), verbos (cuenta). Pueden ser: - palabras simples (gota, útil, ayer); - base a la que se adosan los afijos en palabras complejas (got-, politic-); - parte de una palabra, compuesta (cuenta, gotas). b. Otros son formantes gramaticales: tienen significado gramatical, no léxico. Se agrupan en clases cerradas. Pueden ser: - palabras independientes: preposiciones (a, de, por), conjunciones (que, si); - afijos en palabras derivadas (-s, -ero, in-, des-); - menos frecuentemente, formantes de compuestos (aun-que, por-que, si-no). Entre las palabras no simples consideradas hasta aquí, cada una contenía sólo dos formantes. En otras un mismo tipo de formantes se repite: - sufijos: region-al-izar, util-iza-ble; - prefijos: des-com-poner. ex-pro-soviético, o también formantes de diferentes tipos pueden combinarse entre sí: - prefijo y sufijo: des-leal-tad, em-pobr-ecer; - palabra compuesta y sufijo: rionegr-ino, narcotrafic-ante. En la combinación de prefijación y sufijación, se distinguen dos casos, ilustrados en nuestros ejemplos. En deslealtad, la aplicación de cada uno de los afijos da como resultado una palabra bien formada: si aplicamos sólo el prefijo se obtiene el adjetivo desleal; si aplicamos sólo el sufijo el resultado será el sustantivo lealtad. En cambio, en empobrecer, si se aplica sólo un afijo [32] el resultado no será una palabra existente: *empobre, *pobrecer. Prefijo y sufijo se aplican simultáneamente, constituyendo un único formante morfológico – discontinuo– que se añade a ambos lados de la base léxica. Este segundo caso se denomina parasíntesis. Para establecer la estructura interna de las palabras, la morfología se ocupa de: a. identificar los formantes morfológicos; b. determinar las posibles variaciones que éstos presenten; c. describir los procesos involucrados; d. reconocer la organización de las palabras. 2. Identificación de los formantes morfológicos Comparemos ahora las siguientes palabras: sol, sol-ar; sol-azo, quita- sol, gira-sol, solter-o, solaz. En las

Flashcard 1477193108748

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
The definition of variance is simply the [formula]
mean squared deviation (MSD) of the x values from their mean:\( \int var(x) = dx \space p(x) ( x − E[x] ) ^2\)

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The definition of variance is simply the mean squared deviation (MSD) of the x values from their mean: int var x = dxp(x) ( x − E[x] ) 2

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Flashcard 1488010480908

#matlab #programming
[...] labels the y-axis

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ylabel(’vertical’) labels the y-axis

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Flashcard 1488012053772

#matlab #programming
[...] labels the y-axis

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ylabel(’vertical’) labels the y-axis

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They added that the cancers diagnosed with MR imaging were small, median size of 8 mm, node negative in 93.4% of cases, and dedifferentiated (high-grade cancer) in 41.7% of cases at prevalence screening and 46.0% of cases at incidence screening.
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MRI Detects Breast Cancer Sooner than Mammography | Diagnostic Imaging
e 12 of 13 cancers 6.9 One cancer was diagnosed with all three methods (mammography, US, and MR imaging) during the 1,741 subsequent screening rounds and none were diagnosed with mammography only or US only, the authors wrote. <span>They added that the cancers diagnosed with MR imaging were small, median size of 8 mm, node negative in 93.4% of cases, and dedifferentiated (high-grade cancer) in 41.7% of cases at prevalence screening and 46.0% of cases at incidence screening. No interval cancers were observed. MR imaging screening offered high specificity (97.1%) and high PPV (35.7%). According to researchers, the results suggest that MRI can serve as a usef

#mammography #mri #radiology #us
According to researchers, the results suggest that MRI can serve as a useful supplemental screening tool for women at average risk, especially those with dense mammographic tissue, and MRI is superior to supplemental ultrasound for this purpose. The results also highlight the ability of MRI in the detection of more aggressive types of cancer.
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MRI Detects Breast Cancer Sooner than Mammography | Diagnostic Imaging
ases, and dedifferentiated (high-grade cancer) in 41.7% of cases at prevalence screening and 46.0% of cases at incidence screening. No interval cancers were observed. MR imaging screening offered high specificity (97.1%) and high PPV (35.7%). <span>According to researchers, the results suggest that MRI can serve as a useful supplemental screening tool for women at average risk, especially those with dense mammographic tissue, and MRI is superior to supplemental ultrasound for this purpose. The results also highlight the ability of MRI in the detection of more aggressive types of cancer. “The faster a cancer grows and the better it is in seeding metastases, the better will it be picked up early by MRI,” lead author Christiane Kuhl, MD, chair of the Department of Radiolo

#mammography #mri #radiology #us
“The interval cancer rate in our study was zero percent. Not a single cancer was undetected that became palpable,” she said. “This suggests that MRI finds breast cancers that also mammography would find, but MRI detects them earlier, and it finds the cancers which, if MRI had not been done, would have progressed to interval cancers.
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MRI Detects Breast Cancer Sooner than Mammography | Diagnostic Imaging
early by MRI,” lead author Christiane Kuhl, MD, chair of the Department of Radiology at RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany, said in a release. “In our cohort, cancers found by MRI alone exhibited features of rapid growth at pathology.” <span>“The interval cancer rate in our study was zero percent. Not a single cancer was undetected that became palpable,” she said. “This suggests that MRI finds breast cancers that also mammography would find, but MRI detects them earlier, and it finds the cancers which, if MRI had not been done, would have progressed to interval cancers.” Your name E-mail The

Flashcard 1488057928972

#mammography #mri #radiology #us

“The interval cancer rate in our study was zero percent. Not a single cancer was undetected that became palpable,” she said. “This suggests that [...]

MRI finds breast cancers that also mammography would find, but MRI detects them earlier, and it finds the cancers which, if MRI had not been done, would have progressed to interval cancers.

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MRI Detects Breast Cancer Sooner than Mammography | Diagnostic Imaging
early by MRI,” lead author Christiane Kuhl, MD, chair of the Department of Radiology at RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany, said in a release. “In our cohort, cancers found by MRI alone exhibited features of rapid growth at pathology.” <span>“The interval cancer rate in our study was zero percent. Not a single cancer was undetected that became palpable,” she said. “This suggests that MRI finds breast cancers that also mammography would find, but MRI detects them earlier, and it finds the cancers which, if MRI had not been done, would have progressed to interval cancers.” Your name E-mail The

Flashcard 1488059501836

#mammography #mri #radiology #us
What is the MRI specificity/PPV in breast cancer screening?
MR imaging screening offered high specificity (97.1%) and high PPV (35.7%)

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MRI Detects Breast Cancer Sooner than Mammography | Diagnostic Imaging
with MR imaging were small, median size of 8 mm, node negative in 93.4% of cases, and dedifferentiated (high-grade cancer) in 41.7% of cases at prevalence screening and 46.0% of cases at incidence screening. No interval cancers were observed. <span>MR imaging screening offered high specificity (97.1%) and high PPV (35.7%). According to researchers, the results suggest that MRI can serve as a useful supplemental screening tool for women at average risk, especially those with dense mammographic tissue, and

Flashcard 1488066579724

Thus, producers in a perfectly competitive market are subject to the prices determined by the market and do not have any leverage.
[default - edit me]

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Economics Basics: Monopolies, Oligopolies and Perfect Competition | Investopedia
zed by many buyers and sellers, many products that are similar in nature and, as a result, many substitutes. Perfect competition means there are few, if any, barriers to entry for new companies, and prices are determined by supply and demand. <span>Thus, producers in a perfectly competitive market are subject to the prices determined by the market and do not have any leverage. For example, in a perfectly competitive market, should a single firm decide to increase its selling price of a good, the consumers can just turn to the nearest competitor for a better p

A perfectly competitive firm is a price taker, which means that it must accept the equilibrium price at which it sells goods.
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Unknown title
rkets Next tutorial Monopoly Microeconomics|Forms of competition|Perfect competition Perfect competition and why it matters Read about the economic ideal of perfect competition. [imagelink]Share to Google ClassroomShareTweetEmail Key points <span>A perfectly competitive firm is a price taker , which means that it must accept the equilibrium price at which it sells goods. If a perfectly competitive firm attempts to charge even a tiny amount more than the market price, it will be unable to make any sales. Perfect competition occurs when there are many se

Firms are said to be in perfect competition when the following conditions occur:
  • Many firms produce identical products.
  • Many buyers are available to buy the product, and many sellers are available to sell the product.
  • Sellers and buyers have all relevant information to make rational decisions about the product being bought and sold.
  • Firms can enter and leave the market without any restrictions—in other words, there is free entry and exit into and out of the market.
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Unknown title
sellers are price takers. The market structure is the conditions in an industry, such as number of sellers, how easy or difficult it is for a new firm to enter, and the type of products that are sold. Perfect competition and why it matters <span>Firms are said to be in perfect competition when the following conditions occur: Many firms produce identical products. Many buyers are available to buy the product, and many sellers are available to sell the product. Sellers and buyers have all relevant information to make rational decisions about the product being bought and sold. Firms can enter and leave the market without any restrictions—in other words, there is free entry and exit into and out of the market. A perfectly competitive firm is known as a price taker because the pressure of competing firms forces them to accept the prevailing equilibrium price in the market. If a firm in a perfe

Flashcard 1488101182732

#matlab #programming
[...] joins the plotted points with dashed lines, whereas plot(x, y, ’o’) draws circles at the data points with no lines joining them
plot(x, y, ’--’)

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plot(x, y, ’--’) joins the plotted points with dashed lines, whereas plot(x, y, ’o’) draws circles at the data points with no lines joining them </htm

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