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Flashcard 1429165968652

#means-of-communication #sister-miriam-joseph #symbols #the-function-of-language #trivium
[...]: traffic lights, flags, a soldier’s salute, a nod of affirmation, heraldry, hieroglyphics, chemical formulas, numbers.
Permanent symbols

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Temporary symbols: signals adopted by a football team, the password necessary to get through military lines, school or team colors. Permanent symbols: traffic lights, flags, a soldier’s salute, a nod of affirmation, heraldry, hieroglyphics, chemical formulas, numbers.

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Flashcard 1430514961676

#cfa #cfa-level-1 #economics #microeconomics #reading-13-demand-and-supply-analysis-introduction #study-session-4
Our system of equations requires explicit values for the [...] variables to find a unique equilibrium combination of price and quantity.

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Note that our system of equations requires explicit values for the exogenous variables to find a unique equilibrium combination of price and quantity. Conceptually, the values of the exogenous variables are being determined in other markets, such as the markets

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3.6. Market Equilibrium
Q x = 1 + 0.0002Q x   and solved for equilibrium, Q x = 10,000. That is to say, for the given values of I and W, the unique combination of price and quantity of gasoline that results in equilibrium is (3, 10,000). <span>Note that our system of equations requires explicit values for the exogenous variables to find a unique equilibrium combination of price and quantity. Conceptually, the values of the exogenous variables are being determined in other markets, such as the markets for labor, automobiles, and so on, whereas the price and quantity of gasoline are being determined in the gasoline market. When we concentrate on one market, taking values of exogenous variables as given, we are engaging in what is called partial equilibrium analysis . In many cases, we can gain sufficient

Flashcard 1442988821772

#estructura-interna-de-las-palabras #formantes-morfológicos #gramatica-española #la #morfología #tulio
Los formantes que pueden aparecer como palabras independientes son formas [...].

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Los formantes que pueden aparecer como palabras independientes son formas libres. Los otros, los que necesariamente van adosados a otros morfemas, son formas ligadas.

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La estructura interna de la palabra
1. Los formantes morfológicos Una palabra tiene estructura interna cuando contiene más de un formante morfológico. Un formante morfológico o morfema es una unidad mínima que consta de una forma fonética y de un significado. Comparemos las siguientes palabras: gota, gotas, gotita, gotera, cuentagotas. Gota es la única de estas palabras que consta de un solo formante. Carece, entonces, de estructura interna. Es una palabra simple. Todas las otras palabras tienen estructura interna. [31] Los formantes que pueden aparecer como palabras independientes son formas libres. Los otros, los que necesariamente van adosados a otros morfe- mas, son formas ligadas. Cuentagotas contiene dos formantes que pueden aparecer cada uno como palabra independiente. Es una palabra compuesta. Gotas, gotita y gotera también contienen dos formantes, pero uno de ellos (-s, -ita, -era) nunca puede ser una palabra independiente. Son formas ligadas que se denominan afijos. Algunos afijos van pospuestos a la base (gota), como los de nuestros ejemplos: son los s u f i j o s . Otros afijos la preceden: in-útil, des-contento, a-político: Son los prefijos. Las palabras que contienen un afijo se denominan palabras complejas. Del inventario de formantes reconocidos, reconoceremos dos clases: a. Algunos son formantes léxicos: tienen un significado léxico, que se define en el diccionario: gota, cuenta. Se agrupan en clases abiertas. Pertenecen a una clase particular de palabras: sustantivos (gota), adjetivos (útil), adverbios (ayer), verbos (cuenta). Pueden ser: - palabras simples (gota, útil, ayer); - base a la que se adosan los afijos en palabras complejas (got-, politic-); - parte de una palabra, compuesta (cuenta, gotas). b. Otros son formantes gramaticales: tienen significado gramatical, no léxico. Se agrupan en clases cerradas. Pueden ser: - palabras independientes: preposiciones (a, de, por), conjunciones (que, si); - afijos en palabras derivadas (-s, -ero, in-, des-); - menos frecuentemente, formantes de compuestos (aun-que, por-que, si-no). Entre las palabras no simples consideradas hasta aquí, cada una contenía sólo dos formantes. En otras un mismo tipo de formantes se repite: - sufijos: region-al-izar, util-iza-ble; - prefijos: des-com-poner. ex-pro-soviético, o también formantes de diferentes tipos pueden combinarse entre sí: - prefijo y sufijo: des-leal-tad, em-pobr-ecer; - palabra compuesta y sufijo: rionegr-ino, narcotrafic-ante. En la combinación de prefijación y sufijación, se distinguen dos casos, ilustrados en nuestros ejemplos. En deslealtad, la aplicación de cada uno de los afijos da como resultado una palabra bien formada: si aplicamos sólo el prefijo se obtiene el adjetivo desleal; si aplicamos sólo el sufijo el resultado será el sustantivo lealtad. En cambio, en empobrecer, si se aplica sólo un afijo [32] el resultado no será una palabra existente: *empobre, *pobrecer. Prefijo y sufijo se aplican simultáneamente, constituyendo un único formante morfológico – discontinuo– que se añade a ambos lados de la base léxica. Este segundo caso se denomina parasíntesis. Para establecer la estructura interna de las palabras, la morfología se ocupa de: a. identificar los formantes morfológicos; b. determinar las posibles variaciones que éstos presenten; c. describir los procesos involucrados; d. reconocer la organización de las palabras. 2. Identificación de los formantes morfológicos Comparemos ahora las siguientes palabras: sol, sol-ar; sol-azo, quita- sol, gira-sol, solter-o, solaz. En las

Flashcard 1473488489740

How should programs use data in accordance with data abstraction princples?
They should use data in such a way as to make as few assumptions about the data as possible

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The basic idea of data abstraction is to structure programs so that they operate on abstract data. That is, our programs should use data in such a way as to make as few assumptions about the data as possible

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2.2 Data Abstraction
we can make an abstraction that separates the way the function is used from the details of how the function is implemented. Analogously, data abstraction isolates how a compound data value is used from the details of how it is constructed. <span>The basic idea of data abstraction is to structure programs so that they operate on abstract data. That is, our programs should use data in such a way as to make as few assumptions about the data as possible. At the same time, a concrete data representation is defined as an independent part of the program. These two parts of a program, the part that operates on abstract data and the part that defines a concrete representation, are connected by a small set of functions that implement abs

Flashcard 1473505791244

#python #sicp

Native data types have the following properties:

  1. There are expressions that evaluate to values of native types, called literals.
  2. [...]

There are built-in functions and operators to manipulate values of native types.

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have used so far are instances of a small number of native data types that are built into the Python language. Native data types have the following properties: There are expressions that evaluate to values of native types, called literals. <span>There are built-in functions and operators to manipulate values of native types. The int class is the native data type used to represent integers. Integer literals (sequences of adjacent numerals) evaluate to int values, and mathematical operators manipulate these

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2.1 Introduction
instances of the int class. These two values can be treated similarly. For example, they can both be negated or added to another integer. The built-in type function allows us to inspect the class of any value. >>> type(2) <span>The values we have used so far are instances of a small number of native data types that are built into the Python language. Native data types have the following properties: There are expressions that evaluate to values of native types, called literals. There are built-in functions and operators to manipulate values of native types. The int class is the native data type used to represent integers. Integer literals (sequences of adjacent numerals) evaluate to int values, and mathematical operators manipulate these values. >>> 12 + 3000000000000000000000000 3000000000000000000000012 Python includes three native numeric types: integers ( int ), real numbers ( float ), and complex numbers ( c

Flashcard 1477322607884

#deeplearning #neuralnetworks
How does deep learning solve the problem generating an appropriate representation in representation learning?
By intro- ducing representations that are expressed in terms of other, simpler representations.

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Deep learning solv es this cen tral problem in representation learning by intro- ducing representations that are expressed in terms of other, simpler representations.

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Flashcard 1477360880908

#deeplearning #neuralnetworks
What type were the ealierst predecessors of modern deep learning models and what were they designed to do?
They were linear models designed to tak e a set of n input v alues x 1 , . . . , x n and asso ciate them with an output y

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The earliest predecessors of mo dern deep learning were simple linear mo dels motiv ated from a neuroscientific p ersp ective. These mo dels w ere designed to tak e a set of n input v alues x 1 , . . . , x n and asso ciate them with an output y . These mo dels w ould learn a set of w eigh ts w 1 , . . . , w n and compute their output f ( x w , ) = x 1 w 1 + · · · + x n w n .

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Flashcard 1603163000076

#cfa-level-1 #financial-reporting-and-analysis #reading-26-understanding-balance-sheets
When should R&D costs be expensed?
in the period in which they are incurred.

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Subject 2. Measurement Bases of Assets and Liabilities
or privileges that belong to their owner. Generally, identifiable intangible assets are recorded only when purchased (at acquisition costs). The cost of internally developed identifiable intangible assets is typically expensed when incurred. <span>For example, R&D costs are not in themselves intangible assets. They should be treated as revenue expenditures and charged to expense in the period in which they are incurred. One exception is that IFRS allows costs in the development stage to be capitalized if certain criteria (including technological feasibility) are met. A company should assess whether the useful life of an intangible asset is finite or infinite and, if finite, the length of its life. The straight-line method is typically u

Flashcard 1603630927116

#broker #estate #real
Trees and crops generally fall into one of two classes: (1) Trees, [...] shrubbery, and grasses that do not require annual cultivation are known as [...] . These items are considered [...] . (2) [...] cultivated crops such as fruit, vegetables, and grain are known as [...] , or fructus [...] , and are generally considered [...] . The current owner or tenant is entitled to harvest the crops that result from that individual’s labor. For example, when farmland is sold, the seller won’t have to dig up growing corn plants and haul them away unless the sales contract says so. The young corn remains on the land. The seller may come back and harvest the corn when it’s ready. Perennial crops, such as orchards or vineyards, are not personal property and so transfer with the land.
Perennial (do not require annual cultivation)
Fructus Naturales
Real Estate

Annuals (do require annual cultivation)
Fructus Industriales
Personal Property
Not conveyed by sales contract for land unless expressly noted as such (which means the seller/farmer automatically has the right to come back and harvest)

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Flashcard 1603632762124

#broker #estate #real
An item of real property can become personal property by [...] , which is the act of separating it from the land. For example, a growing tree is part of the land until the owner cuts it down, literally severing it from the property. Similarly, an apple becomes personal property once it is picked from a tree.

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Flashcard 1603634597132

#broker #estate #real
It is also possible to change personal property into real property through the process known as [...] . For example, if a landowner buys cement, stones, and sand and mixes them into concrete to construct a sidewalk across the land, the landowner has converted personal property (cement, stones, and sand) into real property (a sidewalk).

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Flashcard 1603636432140

#broker #estate #real
Real property is conveyed by [...] , while personal property is conveyed by a [...] or [...] .
bill of sale or receipt

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Flashcard 1603638791436

#broker #estate #real
A [...] is [...] that has been so attached to land or a building that, by law, it becomes part of the real property. Examples of [...] are heating systems, elevator equipment in highrise buildings, radiators, kitchen cabinets, light [...] , and plumbing. Almost any item that has been added as a permanent part of a building is considered a [...] .
personal property

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