Edited, memorised or added to reading queue

on 14-Jun-2017 (Wed)

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Flashcard 1429346585868

#sister-miriam-joseph #the-function-of-language #trivium
Man, like other animals, may communicate emotions such as fright, anger, or satisfaction by means of cries or exclamations which in human language are called [...]

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Man, like other animals, may communicate emotions such as fright, anger, or satisfaction by means of cries or exclamations which in human language are called interjections

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Flashcard 1435918273804

#eximbank #export-dot-gov #octopus #usa
Much of Ex-Im Bank’s activity is under so-called [...].
bundling facilities

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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Much of Ex-Im Bank’s activity is under so-called bundling facilities. A bundling facility is a large medium-term loan made to a Mexican bank by a U.S. bank with the guarantee of Ex-Im Bank. The Mexican bank then makes loans to Mexican companies for the p

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Mexico - Project Financing
rantees for medium-term loans to foreign buyers of capital equipment. Most loans are made by U.S. banks with Ex-Im Bank’s guarantee. More than 85 percent of Ex-Im’s transactions in recent years directly benefited small businesses. <span>Much of Ex-Im Bank’s activity is under so-called bundling facilities. A bundling facility is a large medium-term loan made to a Mexican bank by a U.S. bank with the guarantee of Ex-Im Bank. The Mexican bank then makes loans to Mexican companies for the purchase of American capital goods. There also are a number of U.S.-based banks that extend Ex-Im Bank credits in Mexico. The major Mexican commercial banks have signed agreements with Ex-Im Bank to grant lines of credit to Mexican firms that purchase U.S.-made products. Many major Mexican banks (Santander, BBVA-Bancomer, and others) have Master Guarantee Agreements. Such credits generally are available only to Mexican blue chip companies and to their suppliers with firm contracts. EXIM Bank is a

Flashcard 1442590100748

#gramatica-española #morfología #tulio

La Morfología se ocupa de [...].

la estructura interna de las palabras

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill
La Morfología y la Sintaxis comparten la palabra como unidad. Para la primera el análisis se detiene en la palabra, para la segunda se inicia en la pa- labra. La Morfología se ocupa de la estructura interna de las palabras. En este capítulo nos ocuparemos de definir: A. ¿Qué se entiende por "estructura interna de la palabra"? B. ¿Qué clase de unidad es la palabra? Nuest

Flashcard 1477990288652

#cfa-level-1 #reading-23-financial-reporting-mechanics
[...] requires that revenue be recorded when earned and that expenses be recorded when incurred, irrespective of when the related cash movements occur.
Accrual accounting

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

;nfortunatdy, al-l\u99 docs not discuss n1any narratives found in _\bli 'l;bayda's co1npi- lation, nor docs he n1akc any analysis of the naqii)ir/, pocn1s thcn1sclvcs in order to provide n1orc inforn1ation on the synchronic history of naqii)ir/, poetry. In addition, so1nc of his conclusions do not scc1n to be accurate.
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The present article \vill discuss the naqii)i~ in its forn1ativc age. V\.'c \vill deal \vith the t\VO t4S- pccts of the naqii) i~ that httd been co1nposcd in its earliest for1n during the \;n1ayyad period, before the t\VO great poets Jarlr and al-Farazdaq started co1npcting \vi th cttch other.
statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on


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