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on 14-Jun-2018 (Thu)

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#filosofia #platão
system of selection like that will effect a compromise between a monarchical and a democratic constitution, which is precisely the sort of compromise a constitution should always be.
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#filosofia #platão
One general rule should apply to marriage: we should seek to contract the alliance that will benefit the state, not the one that we personally find most alluring. Everyone is naturally drawn to the person most like himself, and that puts the whole state off balance, because of discrepancies in wealth and character, and these in c turn generally lead, in most states, to results we certainly don’t want to see in ours.
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#filosofia #platão
when he’s drunk a man reels about all over the place and bumps into things, and a raging passion invades his body and soul; this means that d as a sower of his seed a drunkard will be clumsy and inefficient, and he’ll produce unbalanced children who are not to be trusted
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#filosofia #platão
we should certainly punish slaves if they deserve it, and not spoil them by simply giving them a warning, as we would free men. Virtually everything you say to a slave should be an order, and you should never become at all 778 familiar with them
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