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on 23-Sep-2018 (Sun)

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he one difference in the syntax from the 'apply load' code block is that the name of the parameter sidelfaces has been replaced with faces. Remember the RegionO method returns a set-like region or a surface-like region depending on the parameters as explained in the 'apply load' section. In this case we apply the encastre constraint on the returned Region object. Since encastre is performed on the set of points and not just the surface, we need RegionO to return a set-like region.
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To complicate things the RegionO method works a little differently depending on the kind of arguments you give it. It can accept a number of arguments, such as faces, edges, vertices and so on. If you do not use the name argument it will use these to create a set-like region (this is done in the next section when applying constraints). On the other hand if you use the name argument it will create a surface-like region.
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top_face_region=regionToolset.Region(sidelFaces=top_face) This statement creates a region using the Face object we have just created. [t uses the RegionO method to create a Region object.
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This statement selects a region using the Face object we have just created. ft uses the RegionO method to create a Region object. This is the same method used to create a region in the previous section ('apply load' section) so you already know how it works.
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beamModel.EncastreBC(name='Encaster one end'~ createStepName='Initial'~ region=fixed_end_face_region) This statement applies the encastre constraint to the end of the beam. 1t uses the EncastreBCO method to create a TypeBC object, which is an object that stores data on several types of predefined boundary conditions commonly used in stress/displacement analysis. This TypeBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
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elemlypel = mesh.Elemlype(elemcode=C3D8R~ elemlibrary=STANDARD~ kinematicSplit=AVERAGE_STRAIN, secondOrderAccuracy=OFF, hourglassControl=DEFAULT, distortionControl=DEFAULT) creates an ElementType object using the ElemTypeQ method. ~The ElementType object can later be us.ed as an argument to the setEiemen~TypeQ method to set the element type of the part mesh, and this is done a few· statements later. The object and the m.ethod are defined in the mesh module which is why we use the import mesh statement. ,
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The reduced integration numerical procedure sometimes faces a problem where there is no straining at the integration points. This results in a phenomenon called~ "hourglassing". Hourglass control associates a small stiffness with these zero-energy modes, to counter the issue.
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Vasoconstrictive eye drops

These should be prescribed for no more than a few days as a supportive measure, because they treat only the symptoms, not the cause, and may lead to tachyphylaxis.

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Red Eye: A Guide for Non-specialists
treat only the symptoms, not the cause, and may lead to tachyphylaxis, as described over 20 years ago in a case series of 11 patients (7). The opinion of an ophthalmologist should be obtained. <span>Vasoconstrictive eye drops These should be prescribed for no more than a few days as a supportive measure, because they treat only the symptoms, not the cause, and may lead to tachyphylaxis. Infectious conjunctivitis is generally bacterial or viral. In the German-speaking area most cases of bacterial conjunctivitis are caused by staphylococci, streptococci, or pneumococci (

elemTypel = mesh.ElemType(elemCode=C3D8R, elemlibrary=STANDARD, kinematicSplit = AVERAGE_STRAIN, secondOrderAccuracy=OFF, hourglassControl=ENHANCED) In fact since we accepted all the defaults for the optional arguments we could have written: elemTypel = mesh.ElemType(elemCode=C3D8R)
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The statement beamCells=beamPart.cells assigns the cells of the part to a variable called beam Cells. You saw the cells object used in the 'create section' code block, where beamPart.cells were required to create the region of the section assignment. If you recall, the cell object defines the volumetric regions of a geometry. Part objects have cells.
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Notice however that this time there is no comma after beamPart.cells. This is because we only want a Cell object to use in the next statement, not a sequence of Cell objects (which would give us a Region object).
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beamMeshRegion=(selectedBeamCells,) This statement converts the Region object into a sequence of r eg ions be~ause a comma has been placed at the end of selectedBeamCells- ~- Yoo · .. can. then· use· this ·sequence of regions in the setEiementType command.
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Flashcard 3342179634444

[default - edit me]

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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Flashcard 3342195363084

[default - edit me]
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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This statement creates the job. The JobO method creates .. a. Job object for the model. It. is a method of the ModeiJob. o6ject ~hich is derived from the Job object: lt has two required arguments. The first is ·· nam~ which is the repository key. We have called it "CantileverBeamJob'. Note that ·there ~ - re no spaces in the ·name, ,this is required.
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In C, C++, Java or MATLAB, you find yourself iterating either a fixed number of times by incrementing a variable every loop till it reaches a certain value, or until a condition is satisfied. In Python on the other hand, you create a sequence (a list or a string), and the for loop iterates over the items in that list (or characters in a string).
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range(5) returns[0, 1,2,3,4]
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range(5,9) returns (5, 6, 7, 8]
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range(3, 10, 3) returns [3, 6, 9]
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