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on 21-Oct-2018 (Sun)

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The hippocampus acts as the central switchboard for the brain that can easily store short-term memory patterns. However, these patterns have to be encoded in the neocortex to provide space for coding new short-term memories. This complex process of rebuilding the neural network of the brain takes place during sleep. Unlike rest or conservation of energy, this highest feat of evolutionary neural mathematics requires the brain to be shut off entirely from environmental input (in most animals)! This automatic rewiring is the main reason for which we sleep and why there is no conscious processing involved!
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Good sleep, good learning, good life | SuperMemo.com
thematical analysis of spatiotemporal neuronal firing patterns, Buzsáki provided a good model explaining how the two components of sleep, REM and NREM sleep, work together to optimize memories. <span>The hippocampus acts as the central switchboard for the brain that can easily store short-term memory patterns. However, these patterns have to be encoded in the neocortex to provide space for coding new short-term memories. This complex process of rebuilding the neural network of the brain takes place during sleep. Unlike rest or conservation of energy, this highest feat of evolutionary neural mathematics requires the brain to be shut off entirely from environmental input (in most animals)! This automatic rewiring is the main reason for which we sleep and why there is no conscious processing involved! During sleep, the brain works as hard as during SAT or GRE exams. It rewires its circuits to make sure that all newly gained knowledge is optimally stored for future use. We sleep so th

During sleep, the brain works as hard as during SAT or GRE exams. It rewires its circuits to make sure that all newly gained knowledge is optimally stored for future use.
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Good sleep, good learning, good life | SuperMemo.com
es the brain to be shut off entirely from environmental input (in most animals)! This automatic rewiring is the main reason for which we sleep and why there is no conscious processing involved! <span>During sleep, the brain works as hard as during SAT or GRE exams. It rewires its circuits to make sure that all newly gained knowledge is optimally stored for future use. We sleep so that the brain can integrate new knowledge and form new associations. As we must sleep for our brain to continue its function, our body attached dozens of important processe













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《赵副所长正是何老师的好学生》一文,谈谈我自己对于小孩子教育的理解 亿乐彩 yilecai.cc 线上彩票领航者、业界信誉最高、出款速度最快、体验效果最好、千万彩民、购彩首选!首冲有豪礼、1元存款、提现1分钟到账、多种玩法、超高赔率! yilecai.cc 宅男大福利 宅男大福利,专门为宅男打造的看片神器,海量10万片完全免费,免安装绿色播放器。 www.sgarden888.com <span>声明:我不是老师!仅是看不过这种观点而已,下文亦某一家之言而已,我随便说、随便写,大家伙也随便看看! (手机码字不容易,不小心点到那个向左的小箭头,来来回回重打四遍了,求版主放过!多谢!) 背景:时下某学校某老师因班上学生迟到罚站学生一会会,被学生的副所长父亲带走关押7小时!有说老师不对的,有说家长嚣张跋扈的……教书育人,学生迟到犯错不守规矩,罚站一会竟然弄成人尽皆知满城风雨?! 无规矩,不成方圆!没规矩,社会混乱,生活难续……教育,亦教亦育,教规矩是其中内容之一! 1、严父严母、言传身教 我所理解的传统文化里“言传身教”:言传,教规矩!身教,守规矩!在小孩子学规矩、立规矩的年纪里,光跟他们说规矩,你觉得他们都是神童吗?说说就明白规矩了?小小年纪,没个切身体会,他(她)能知道好歹?一两岁屁大点的娃娃,哭嚎吵闹,如果家长哄、逗、给糖吃,下次(或者多次)就知道这样有糖吃!能有家长关注!以后屁大点事就哭给你看、嚎给你听、闹死你!你哄、逗、给糖吃就能教到他(她)规矩了?如果一次两次(或者多次)就给他(她)给掰回来:揍!训!晾一边凉快去!总之严父严母办法多的是……慢慢的就知道了这样是不对的!这样规矩就立下了,娃就学到了规矩!当然喽,父母犯错了,在孩子面前也得切实说到做到!(自己挖的坑,再深也得往下跳) 2、严师或慈师,皆应身体力行 等到他(她)长大上学了,哪天迟到了(或者犯错了、不守规矩),老师要给学生们立规矩:罚站!面壁思过!罚扫地!罚抄书几十遍!甚至于三指宽的楠竹板一顿揍!总之严师办法多的是……放在过去,这都不是事!开学第一课就是学习“弟子规”:不听话,戒尺打!家长送孩子上学第一天,跟老师说的话就是“娃要不听话,你往死里揍!不打死就行……”娃听了有震慑力,眼里就有了规矩、心里就立了规矩,老师听了能壮胆:这娃我得好好教才对得起家长的支持和理解!(家长放心、放手,老师有胆敢下手、动手) 而如果说不得、打不得、骂不得、罚不得、碰不得,老师只能照本宣科完成教学任务,至于学生学得如何、学到了多少管我鸟事?这社会大家伙都忙,精力有限,放学了忙谈恋爱、忙结婚生子、忙晋级晋资、忙瞻仰父母抚育子女、忙养家糊口……谁有这么多闲功夫来慢慢说教熊学生:你这样做是不对的,要这样做才对!确实,不可否认好学生是可以这样教(好鼓不用重锤敲嘛)! 然而熊学生呢?请问你啥教?你光凭三寸不烂之舌以精卫填海的功夫长年累月说教?!别逗了!你自个先累死不说,他(她)要么听不进去,要么左耳朵进右耳朵出!你能拿他(她)啥滴!?更何况熊学生的背后都有一堆熊家长! 而我所理解的慈师:要么不想教(无为),要么不敢教(不敢为),要么真的就是慈祥的老师(能为)。原因嘛,不外乎学生娇生惯养、家长没原则底线的溺爱,遇到了大部分老师是不敢为、也不想为的(开玩笑,现在这种社会,宝贝得不行,学生受点委屈了家里七大姑八大姨各种关系弄死你,就好比这个因为迟到了罚个站,分分钟抓进局里去);当然了,一般这类老师在学生眼里没啥威严可言。而小学生大部分都是顽童(或玩童),好好先生是教给不了他们规矩的! 没了威严的老师,大部分学生是不听他(她)的,他(她)还教啥教!而犯了错的学生,不但不受惩罚,还会得到其他学生的膜拜、支持、模仿!如果迟到(犯错)确实事出有因,那就实事求是!然而,即使真的实事求是了,在其他学生眼里,仍能学到犯错的搪塞办法!比如:老师,我想请假,我肚子疼、家里来亲戚了、老人过生日……熊孩子漫天想像,你能每个都去实事求是吗? 说谎就这么开始了!(小小年纪不学好,谁之过?) 3、早立规矩,更要遵规守距 犯了错,不守规矩,光靠嘴巴说教:一次犯,说;再犯,再说;三犯……如此返复,有何屁用?!没有相应的惩罚,没了犯错的成本,就相当于变相的支持、怂恿!(就好比现在的交通法规,闯了红灯,按原文观点是不能罚款扣分的,只能说教:对闯红灯的巴拉巴拉说,啊!你这样做是不对的云云……没了犯错成本,全国这么多人,有几个能听你的?!即使当时嘴巴说好好好,回头还不是继续,该闯继续闯,大不了再听你们喷一次口水而已,老子又不是喷大的……威严何在!?) 而学生(从上学开始到大学甚至于一辈子,我认为当课堂的学生很短,当社会的学生是一辈子)从一开始就不教好、学好,你能期望他(她)长大了就自己学好了? 所以,小时偷针,大来偷金!(小时偷针,父母不以为然,就像说:迟到了没必要罚站,孩子还小,体罚不得,长大了就知道了!) 所以,熊孩子熊惯了,长大后没规没矩!(你不教,舍不得教,社会给你教……) 所以,铁窗泪响起来了,熊孩子家长追悔莫及了!(早干嘛去了?) 所以,从小娇生惯养无限溺爱的熊孩子们不能经受一句辱骂、一丝挫折,一点风吹雨打就飘零凋谢了 …… 教育,不是老师一个人的事情,学生,家长……内因重要,外因更重要! 总之,我个人觉得,在咱们这个凡事讲究“中庸”的国度里,老师们把罚掌握在一个适当的度里,学生家长虽然无法做到过去那种“不听话就往死里打”的绝对的信任,至少能放心孩子在学校里不仅是学到书本的知识,还可以学到为人处世、待人接物的各种规矩的! 赏罚要分明,做对了(守规矩),赏(给糖吃)!错了(不守规矩),罚(揍、训)!立规矩、守规矩,要从娃娃抓起…… 发言完毕,请各位砸砖吧! TOP Posted:2018-10-21 18:45 | 回樓主 永恒de瞬间 級別: 俠客 ( 9 ) 發帖: 1890 威望: 190 點 金錢: 576 USD 貢獻: 0 點 註冊: 2014-03-23 資料 短信 引用 推薦 編輯 色友推荐:[网址彩票投注:7116.COM] 站长推荐:全网最火爆的彩票投注站,玩彩票 选择一家就够啦!乐趣彩全网赔率最高

To get down to under 10g of sugar per litre (i.e. 1%) the brew should be left until around day 7 to 10 (based on an average temperature of 24 degrees).
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he sugar in the brew is eaten up pretty quickly so I would suggest a taste test after around day 4 or 5 at which stage the brew will be still be slightly sweet but with a good hint of tartness. <span>To get down to under 10g of sugar per litre (i.e. 1%) the brew should be left until around day 7 to 10 (based on an average temperature of 24 degrees). Does it contain alcohol? A little is produced as a by-product of the fermentation process. But because the fermenting is done in broad bowls or jars, covered with a piece of muslin or a

There is a second layer of trouble in sleep deprivation. Due to the importance of sleep, all advanced organisms implement a sleep protection program. This program ensures that sleep deprivation results in unpleasant symptoms. It also produces a remarkably powerful sleep drive that is very hard to overcome. Staying awake becomes unbearable. Closing one's eyes becomes one of the most soothing things in the universe.
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Good sleep, good learning, good life | SuperMemo.com
nced software or neural function is always dangerous! Luckily, all we need to eliminate the danger is to just go to sleep every day. For more see: Neural optimization in sleep. Sleep protection <span>There is a second layer of trouble in sleep deprivation. Due to the importance of sleep, all advanced organisms implement a sleep protection program. This program ensures that sleep deprivation results in unpleasant symptoms. It also produces a remarkably powerful sleep drive that is very hard to overcome. Staying awake becomes unbearable. Closing one's eyes becomes one of the most soothing things in the universe. Are these symptoms a result of network malfunction? Definitely not. If they were, the drive to sleep might malfunction as well. Moreover, recovery from sleep deprivation would not be as

One of the leading causes of death in sleep deprivation seems to have been opportunistic bacterial infections caused by a decline in the immune function (e.g. no febrile response).
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onstrating the role of sleep in brain development (Stryker et al. 2001[10]), says that nighttime hormonal changes may "play a crucial role in consolidating and enhancing waking experience"[11]. <span>One of the leading causes of death in sleep deprivation seems to have been opportunistic bacterial infections caused by a decline in the immune function (e.g. no febrile response). That decline could be caused equally well by (a) poor neural control of the immune function or (b) straight effect of hypercatabolism. Whatever the cause, scientists have quickly figure

Why do we die without sleep?

  1. network malfunction, or
  2. secondary effects of sleep protection program, or
  3. continuous catabolic state.
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t application of antibiotics did not help much in preventing death from those infections. Sleep deprived rats would die anyway. The infection might speed up death that was otherwise inevitable. <span>Why do we die without sleep? It is impossible to quantify the contribution of those three factors to the fatal outcome of prolonged sleep deprivation: network malfunction, or secondary effects of sleep protection program, or continuous catabolic state. Even though the latter two could possibly be remedied pharmacologically, there is no way around network remolding in sleep. Researchers who hope to find a remedy against sleep are plodd