Recognition vs. Recall
Recognition is an important memory ability. It’s what happens when you see a bird and know it’s a seagull....
Recall, on the other hand, is somewhat different. It’s the ability to pull up the answer to a question, without looking at it. If I ask you the capital of France, and you know the answer, Paris, it’s because you recalled it from memory.
Recall, unsurprisingly, is almost always harder than recognition. Asking you what is the capital of France, and you replying correctly, “Paris,” is much harder than me asking you “Is Paris the capital of France?” and you replying, “Yes.”
Also, perhaps unsurprisingly, recallable memory is usually what we want when we read books. ...
The problem is that if you want recallable memory, practicing recognition doesn’t help very much.
Unfortunately practicing recognition is virtually the only thing most people do when they read a book.