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#deep-learning #keras #lstm #python #sequence

Chapter 3 How to Prepare Data for LSTMs

3.0.1 Lesson Goal
The goal of this lesson is to teach you how to prepare sequence prediction data for use with LSTM models. After completing this lesson, you will know: How to scale numeric data and how to transform categorical data. How to pad and truncate input sequences with varied lengths. How to transform input sequences into a supervised learning problem.

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Flashcard 7629619727628

#deep-learning #keras #lstm #python #sequence
Sequence classification involves predicting a [...] for a given input sequence.
class label

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Sequence classification involves predicting a class label for a given input sequence.

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Flashcard 7629639650572

(p <- bar_chart(cyl, cyl, pct))

Next, let’s try to change the axis labels to include a percentage sign using the ...

p + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::[...])


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pan> library(ggcharts) (p <- bar_chart(cyl, cyl, pct)) Copy Next, let’s try to change the axis labels to include a percentage sign using the ... p + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) Copy <span>

Flashcard 7629643058444

#abm #agent-based #machine-learning #model #priority
Neural networks can also be used for nonlinear adaptive control in [...] systems

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Neural networks can also be used for nonlinear adaptive control in multi-agent systems

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#causality #statistics
ignorability - we can make this assumption realistic by running randomized experiments, which force the treatment to not be caused by anything but a coin toss, so then we have the causal structure shown in Figure 2.2.
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how realistic of an assumption is it? In general, it is completely unrealistic because there is likely to be confounding in most data we observe (causal structure shown in Figure 2.1). However, <span>we can make this assumption realistic by running randomized experiments, which force the treatment to not be caused by anything but a coin toss, so then we have the causal structure shown in Figure 2.2. We cover randomized experiments in greater depth in Chapter 5. <span>

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#deep-learning #keras #lstm #python #sequence
Truncated Backpropagation Through Time, or TBPTT, is a modified version of the BPTT training algorithm
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Truncated Backpropagation Through Time, or TBPTT, is a modified version of the BPTT training algorithm for recurrent neural networks where the sequence is processed one time step at a time and periodically an update is performed back for a fixed number of time steps

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#causality #statistics
Association still flows in exactly the same way in Bayesian networks as it does in causal graphs, though. In both, association flows along chains and forks, unless a node is conditioned on. And in both, a collider blocks the flow of association, unless it is conditioned on.
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Regular Bayesian networks are purely statistical models, so we can only talk about the flow of association in Bayesian networks. Association still flows in exactly the same way in Bayesian networks as it does in causal graphs, though. In both, association flows along chains and forks, unless a node is conditioned on. And in both, a collider blocks the flow of association, unless it is conditioned on. Combining these building blocks, we get how association flows in general DAGs. We can tell if two nodes are not associated (no association flows between them) by whether or not they are

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Flashcard 7629760761100

#causality #statistics
When we say “estimation,” we are referring to the process of moving from a statistical [...] to an estimate

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When we say “estimation,” we are referring to the process of moving from a statistical estimand to an estimate

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Flashcard 7629767314700

#causality #statistics
The graph with edges [...] is known as the manipulated graph

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The graph with edges removed is known as the manipulated graph

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Flashcard 7629770984716

#causality #statistics
[...] encompasses the assumption that is sometimes referred to as “no multiple versions of treatment.”

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scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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consistency encompasses the assumption that is sometimes referred to as “no multiple versions of treatment.”

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#CURRENT_READING #deep #keras #learning #tensorflow #tfc-II
model amalgamation. In this approach, models are broken into compos- able units that share and adapt components to achieve different objectives with the same initial data. The components are interconnected in a variety of connectivity patterns, in which each component learns communication interfaces between the models through design, without the necessity of a backend application
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#deep #keras #learning #tensorflow #tfc-II
In addition, model amalgamation can be used to train Internet of Things (IoT) devices for data enrichment, turning IoT sensors from static to dynamically learn- ing devices—a technique called model fusion
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#deep #keras #learning #tensorflow #tfc-II
enterprise production is moving toward automatic learning for model development
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#deep #keras #learning #tensorflow #tfc-II
Model development for production continues to be a combination of automatic and hand-designed learning—which is often crucial for proprietary needs or advan- tages. But designing by hand does not mean starting from scratch; typically, you would start with a stock model and make tweaks and adjustments. To do this effectively, you need to know how the model works and why it works that way, the concepts that under- lie its design, and the pros and cons of alternative building blocks you will learn from other SOTA models
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#deep #keras #learning #tensorflow #tfc-II
formerly state-of-the-art (SOTA) models
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#deep #keras #learning #tensorflow #tfc-II
advancements in design patterns for structured data evolved with the introduction of the wide-and-deep model pattern, outlined in “Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems” (https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.07792) by Heng- Tze Cheng et. al, at the technology-agnostic research group Google Research, in 2016
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