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on 05-Jan-2025 (Sun)

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Flashcard 7626541632780

#pytest #python #unittest

Beware of float return values!
0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3 Sometimes false

assert 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3, "Usual way to compare does not always work with floats!"

Instead use:

[...] 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == pytest.approx(0.3)


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

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Beware of float return values! 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3 Sometimes false assert 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3, "Usual way to compare does not always work with floats!" Instead use: assert 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == pytest.approx(0.3)

Flashcard 7628325260556

#RNN #ariadne #behaviour #consumer #deep-learning #priority #recurrent-neural-networks #retail #simulation #synthetic-data
Recognizing relevant patterns in long input streams (> 100 actions) can turn out to be difficult for the human mind. To achieve better explainability, in many e-commerce applications consumer behavior can be viewed on the level of [...]

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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put streams (> 100 actions) can turn out to be difficult for the human mind. To achieve better explainability, in many e-commerce applications consumer behavior can be viewed on the level of <span>sessions <span>

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Flashcard 7673939102988

#feature-engineering #has-images #lstm #recurrent-neural-networks #rnn
[unknown IMAGE 7103892294924]
Fig. 1. Four customers with markedly different purchase patterns but identical features in terms of recency (last purchase), frequency (number of purchases), and [...] (first purchase

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Fig. 1. Four customers with markedly different purchase patterns but identical features in terms of recency (last purchase), frequency (number of purchases), and seniority (first purchase

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Flashcard 7673940937996

#bayes #programming #r #statistics
The role of Bayesian inference is to compute the exact [...] credibilities of candidate parameter values, while also taking into account their prior probabilities.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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The role of Bayesian inference is to compute the exact relative credibilities of candidate parameter values, while also taking into account their prior probabilities.

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Flashcard 7673944083724

#RNN #ariadne #behaviour #consumer #deep-learning #priority #recurrent-neural-networks #retail #simulation #synthetic-data
[...]-based machine learning methods like logistic regression take vectors f = (f 1 , . . . , f n ) of fixed length n as inputs. Applying these methods on consumer histories of arbitrary length requires feature engineering

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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Vector-based machine learning methods like logistic regression take vectors f = (f 1 , . . . , f n ) of fixed length n as inputs. Applying these methods on consumer histories of arbitrary leng

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Flashcard 7673945918732

#recurrent-neural-networks #rnn
Other [ than ‘‘Buy ’Till You Die” (BTYD) ] options to capture changes between lower- and higher-frequency purchase episodes (as we observe for our customers in Fig. 1), or vice versa, are to adopt a dynamic [...] model (Fader, Hardie, & Chun-Yao, 2004), a simulation based model of the type presented by Rust, Kumar, and Venkatesan (2011), or to incorporate additional states other than the absorbing, inactive state as in standard BTYD latent attrition models.

statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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‘‘Buy ’Till You Die” (BTYD) ] options to capture changes between lower- and higher-frequency purchase episodes (as we observe for our customers in Fig. 1), or vice versa, are to adopt a dynamic <span>changepoint model (Fader, Hardie, & Chun-Yao, 2004), a simulation based model of the type presented by Rust, Kumar, and Venkatesan (2011), or to incorporate additional states other than the abs

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Flashcard 7673988648204

#tensorflow #tensorflow-certificate


This time there is a problem with loss function.

  • In case of categorical_crossentropy the labels have to be one-hot encoded

  • In case of labels as integeres use [...]


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill

Parent (intermediate) annotation

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important: This time there is a problem with loss function. In case of categorical_crossentropy the labels have to be one-hot encoded In case of labels as integeres use SparseCategoricalCrossentropy

Original toplevel document

y-axis -> true label x-axis -> predicted label # Create confusion metrics from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix y_preds = model_8.predict(X_test) confusion_matrix(y_test, y_preds) <span>important: This time there is a problem with loss function. In case of categorical_crossentropy the labels have to be one-hot encoded In case of labels as integeres use SparseCategoricalCrossentropy # Get the patterns of a layer in our network weights, biases = model_35.layers[1].get_weights() <span>